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The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently recognized Programs for Parents’ CACFP Department with the “Champion Award” for effectively using advocacy, partnerships, and collaboration to increase program participation among Family Child Care providers in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program. PfP was particularly recognized for all the innovative ways it assisted families during the pandemic. PfP’s CACFP Department launched virtual cooking classes and supplied Family Child Care providers with gift cards to pay for ingredients. The department also started a Facebook page to provide important nutritional information to families and providers in both English and Spanish. Finally, a private Facebook group was created that featured information for providers on the USDA Food Program, which also included a variety of articles including ways to get finicky eaters to eat vegetables. Family Child Care Providers are limited in the total number of children under their care — a maximum of five children in one session. Consequently, the total amount of tuition for each session is limited as well. The Child and Adult Care Food Program is an important source of funding for Family Child Care Providers because it reimburses them for money spent on food for children in their care. As a result of the award, PfP’s CACFP Department will be featured in USDA publications.

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